I am Tim. The one wot runs. I happen to do a lot of other stuff too, but this is my own little corner of cyberspace dedicated to publishing my musings around the act of running and its relationship with mental health and well-being. If you are now shrinking away in horror at the thought of sweaty changing rooms, piped gym music, and the incessant background hum of treadmills then take a breath and relax; there’ll be none of that malarkey here. Still with me? Good. I’m talking about fresh air, howling winds, horizontal rain, baking sunshine, grass, bog, trees, mud, rocks, water, you name it. Whatever nature throws at you. That kind of running. Let’s first eliminate that preconceived notion that running is something that we should do in order to keep physically and mentally fit. Running should not be a means to an end. You should want to run because it feels good to run. It’s all about the act itself. The journey, and not the destination. Physical and mental fitness is a happy side-effect. Remember when you were a kid and you just ran? How many times did you hear ‘don’t run!’ bellowed from the other end of that long, school corridor? Were you running because you were late for a lesson or because the bell had gone and you were keen to get outside so you could run some more? Well guess what? Just because you’re all grown up now doesn’t mean you can’t experience that same primal joy, and what I really want you to take away from your time spent perusing these pages is that:
running is fun!