I’ve put together a selection of links to you might find useful or interesting. No doubt I’ll add more over time so keep checking back.
If you are in crisis and need to talk to someone urgently, click here to be taken to the NHS portal.
If you, or someone you know struggle with suicidal thoughts, visit Staying Safe for practical guidance on – as the name suggests – staying safe.
Mind is a mental health charity. Their website is chocked full of advice and resources. They can also be contacted in times of crisis.
Get Active!
Yorkshire Dales Guides offer a wide range of outdoor activities for all ages and abilities. If you feel less inclined to scale dizzy heights, plumb the darkest depths or run up mountains, you might find their slower-paced activities, such as wildflower identification, more your cup of tea. They are based in Settle, North Yorkshire.
SAAIG Outdoors is another small, friendly, family-run outdoors business. They also offer on-site accommodation in the form of Dales Lodge which can be booked independently of any activities. They are based in Ingleton, North Yorkshire.
I can’t have a list of resources without including the amazing Run Talk Run. Too many tabs open? There’s an overview right here on this very site.