If you enjoy the content of this site and share my vision of making running more accessible to people with mental health challenges, please would you consider making a small donation to help offset costs associated with the publication of this website.
Stop Press!
Last year I won a ‘volunteer lotto’ place on a race of my choosing from any of the summer Spine Races in 2023. Naturally, I chose the full race because, as my mother would often tell me, you leap before you look!
In two weeks time I’ll be toeing the start line at Edale in Derbyshire (well, hiding at the back trying not to get noticed most likely), steeling myself for the 268 miles of who-knows-what that lay ahead of me, and desperately hoping I reach the finish, cross the line, kiss the wall, and puke in the plant pot outside the infamous Border Hotel in the Scottish Borders village of Kirk Yetholm. It’ll be my biggest self-inflicted challenge to date. Eeek!
Anyway, I thought I’d use it as an opportunity to raise both funds and awareness for two great causes:
The Mental Health Foundation. They do lots of great stuff around raising awareness of mental ill health and tackling stigma, promoting mental wellness, and driving policy through research and lobbying.
Heads for Trails. Yes. My very own start-up social enterprise. Heads for Trails is a not-for-profit initiative providing group coaching in efficient running, a social run club, and a social walking group; all centred around the principle that movement in nature is good for your mental wellbeing.
If you would like to support these causes, please consider hitting the ‘donate’ button below, with the reference ‘spine’ and all monies donated will be split 50/50 between the two.
Thanks muchly,